Tuesday, May 10, 2011

More Writing Opportunities

I just found a few more sites that I would like to share.

Are movies, comics, and video games your thing? I found a site that will pay $15 per review of these types of things. Worth checking out if those are your passions. Animation Arena.

Good at explaining things? Writing World pays 5 cents per word for exceptional how-to articles, which is a great rate for an up and coming freelance writer. Here.

I also came across another place full of ads for people looking for writers. See it here.


  1. they seem very prefessional. i'll give it a try.

  2. Hi Amanda!

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    If you ever need any tips, advice, questions, feel free to shoot me an email.

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  3. Thank you! Well, you offer a lot of great resources so I am happy to share them with my readers.
