Wednesday, April 27, 2011

31 Days To A Better Blog - Day 1

I mentioned before that I was reading the book "31 Days to a Better Blog". Each day there is a blog challenge for me to complete to both make this blog better and make me a better blogger. Today's challenge is the "elevator pitch" which is a pitch that is short enough it could be done in the time of an elevator ride. So here it goes. Let me know what you think. Once it gets tweaked I will change the blog description to match. Below is the "elevator pitch" followed by a shorter pitch that the book suggests coming up with for things like forum signatures or business cards.

Are you a stay at home mom, unable to work, or just want to make some extra money working from home? Well I know I would. Amanda's Work At Home Adventure is just that, an adventure in working at home. I'm traveling and navigating the internet in search of legit ways for normal people to make real money working from home online.

Amanda's Work At Home Adventure - A Journey for legit ways to make real money online.

What do you think?


  1. Hello Amanda,

    I happened to make it to your site, by way of one of your post in the WF. I really do like your elevator pitch, but I would take out the I's. This is an exercise I have had to do on several occasions and one of the things you want is for someone to get excited about doing what it is your are telling them about in that 30 seconds to 1 minute timeframe.

    I would try somethig more along the lines of:

    Are you a stay at home mom? Do you long for a change to help bring in an income? Do long for adventure? Are you looking to make a second income or just some extra cash to help with making your life something more than it is now? Amanda’s Work at Home Adventure is just that! Come along as I teach you to travel and navigate your way to earning more from the web!

    I hope that you do not mind. I just wanted to be helpful. I think you have great potential, this site is very nice. You have been doing your homework and that is what you should be doing. Keep up the great work. =D

  2. Thank you, the input is very helpful and appreciated!
