Sunday, April 24, 2011

Four Big Mistakes People Make Working From Home

1. Buying products that promise big money.

Almost every ad you see that promises "big money in ten seconds flat" is exaggerating. Sure, there are tons and tons of ways to make money online, and I have personally met people that make six figure incomes working online... but just because something works for one person, doesn't mean it will work for another. Free resources, like WarriorForum which I link to on the right, are much more trustworthy.

2. Not reading enough.

When getting into any online work at home venture it is important to read! You need to know what you are doing, know the process, know the challenges, and know the risks. If you don't learn about what you are doing you might as well be purchasing one of those over the priced get rich quick books, because you aren't going to get anywhere. Find what you want to do, read about it, take notes, and plan your approach.

3. Reading too much.

Reading too much can be just as bad as not reading enough. Information overload is one of the worst enemies of newbies. There are so many ways to make money, so many business models to follow. It is easy to try and take in more information than you need. Pick your business model, pick your niche, and read about that and nothing else. If it ends up not working, you can come back and read about something else, but multitasking and trying to learn about too much will just slow you down in the long run.

4. Reading and not doing!

This is the real killer with most newbies.  Most people get started in working from home by reading... the real trick is you need to put everything into action! For every hour you spend reading and learning, try putting an hour into actually working on your project! If it is freelance writing, start writing an article or reading about your niche you want to write about! Make a website or start a blog if that is your method. Don't just learn, do! Learning isn't going to earn you any money unless you actually sit down and get to work!

Don't fall victim to these newbie mistakes. Just remember, the key to success is to find a good, trustworthy source, pick your business model, learn, and then, most importantly, DO!

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